Help us find a CURE

Columbus Memory Center offers FDA approved clinical trials to preserve memories by combating Alzheimer’s disease. With the help of ongoing research, we provide hope for today and solutions for tomorrow at no cost to our participants or their families. Individuals with dementia, caregivers and healthy volunteers are all urgently needed to participate in clinical trials focused on modifying the course of memory illness. Start something unforgettable with Columbus Memory Center. Enroll today for your chance to help cure Alzheimer’s disease! You are always free to withdraw from the trials.

Space is limited!

If completing the form for a loved one, please answer the questions below on their behalf.

Have you been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease? *
Do you have an immediate family member that has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's or any form of dementia? *
Check All that Apply
What age was that family member diagnosed? *
Are you on medication for Alzheimer's disease? (Ex. Aricept, Razadyne, Exelon, etc.) *
Have you had cancer? If yes, you may be asked for additional information during a follow up. *
Have you experienced a decline in memory in the last 12 months? *
Have you had a stroke or heart attack in the last 12 months? *
Have you had one or more seizures in the last six (6) months? *
Do you have a study partner who is willing to accompany you on your visits throughout the clinical trial? (twice monthly) *