19 12, 2022

Detecting Dementia During the Holidays

By |2022-12-19T15:39:49+00:00December 19, 2022|Alzheimer's and Dementia, Caregivers, Education|Comments Off on Detecting Dementia During the Holidays

Celebrating holidays means celebrating family. What a wonderful time for families to listen, and to collect stories from their Parents and Grandparents. This magical time is also a wonderful opportunity to detect troubles with short-term memory, and if present, seek help early on. Thankfully, our brains tend to hold onto long term memories like our childhood and early adulthood quite well. However, confusion about things that happened today,  yesterday, last week, and last month are often the earliest sign of a dementing process. According to Alzheimers.gov the following symptoms are [...]

26 09, 2022

Gamer Grandparents: How gaming helps stimulate the brain for dementia patients.

By |2022-09-26T18:34:09+00:00September 26, 2022|Alzheimer's and Dementia, Caregivers, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Gamer Grandparents: How gaming helps stimulate the brain for dementia patients.

You may not realize it, but the boomer generation invented computerized games. In 1952 the first graphic-based computer tic-tac-toe game was invented by a Cambridge Ph.D. student A.S. Dougless. Dougless, however, was not credited with the first real video game, the honor is given to William Higinbotham who created “Tennis for Two” in 1958. These two games inspired others to create even more complex games such as “SpaceWar” in 1962 by Steve Russell and “Chase” in 1967 by Ralph Baer. The first arcade games were created in 1971 by [...]

18 03, 2020

Caregiving During Covid

By |2022-09-26T19:22:11+00:00March 18, 2020|Caregivers, Health and Wellbeing|Comments Off on Caregiving During Covid

If you are a caregiver or family member of someone with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, you know by now that your loved one could be considered high risk of being susceptible to the coronavirus, COVID-19. Preventative measures such as hand washing, disinfecting and self-isolation are strongly encouraged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) during this global health crisis. We understand that when caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia, tasks such as these could present a unique set of circumstances. Preparation, planning and awareness as sure-fire ways [...]

17 03, 2020

Curbing Anxiety During the Covid Outbreak

By |2022-09-26T19:22:26+00:00March 17, 2020|Caregivers, Health and Wellbeing|Comments Off on Curbing Anxiety During the Covid Outbreak

Anything in excess can be too much Coronavirus. The word alone carries the fear factor of a 21st Century boogey man, but in broad daylight. Each notification or push alert with the phrase COVID-19 inches you closer to days of isolation, nationwide pandemonium and a cloud of uncertainty surrounding the infection and death rates of the global health crisis. If this gets your heart racing, anxiety is probably the cause. If this is the case, perhaps it’s time to step away from the TV or turn off [...]

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