Center donates hand-made toys to House of Mercy’s Tears to Ears Program


Written by Tyrone McCoy

Columbus Memory Center (CMC) continues wrapping its arms around the community. This time, by donating dozens of hand-made, wooden toys to House of Mercy’s Tears to Ears program for less fortunate youth.

You may remember CMC sharing the story of Charles ‘Bum’ Clegg. Clegg was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2018 by CMC founder, Dr. Jonathan Liss, and soon after began drawing on his lifelong love of craftsmanship to take control of his brain health.

Impressed by the alternate form of Alzheimer’s therapy, Dr. Liss quickly hopped on the Cleggs’ train of thought and made a financial donation in support of Charles and his wife Carol. Months later, the Cleggs returned for a follow-up visit and handed the CMC staff a box of wooden treasures. Inspired by their generosity, Dr. Liss decided to share the toys with the 26 boys and girls currently enrolled in the Tears to Ears program at House of Mercy in Columbus.

“We all have the power to make a difference in our community,” Dr. Liss explained. “Partnering with Mr. and Mrs. Clegg to bring smiles and laughter to children was an easy choice. It’s a wonderful way to pay it forward and an easy way to honor two individuals who are doing so much good in the community.”

The box of toys was delivered to House of Mercy on Wednesday, October 2, 2019, and received with open arms. The center says the gift comes just in time for their annual toy giveaway for children, ages 1-11.

Dr. Liss hopes that this gift inspires warm memories for the students who receive them, and stresses how the gift of giving can truly be the gift that keeps on giving.

“Helping others in need is a way in which to help ourselves,” Dr. Liss said. “It lifts the spirits, fights depression and helps our egos.”